Ixia Viridiflora Jade Green
Ixia viridifloraLatin name
Corn LilyCommon name
Turquoise blue with a twinkling black eye, this ever sought after beauty becomes ever more rare. The small crop we have has been specially grown for us. Brilliant as a cut flower and No 1 in Holland. We've been fortunate in obtaining seed of this most spectacular plant which is one of the most expensive florist flowers. Ideal for cutting and showing and possibly best grown in an 8" pot during the summer plunged beneath bark or similar material and then brought indoors during the winter. Desirable and almost hardy. 18"-2'.
How to Grow Ixia from Seed
One of nature’s most beautiful rare green flowers, Ixia viridiflora is easy to grow from seed. Sow it in deep pots or trays in spring and keep them in a cold frame or greenhouse. Ixia will germinate very quickly and you should have flowering plants the following year.
Seed can be sown in pots all year round under glass. Germination typically takes 20 to 30 days at 75F
Allow the grass-like seedlings to grow on to the following Spring and separate them when they become obviously overcrowded. The bulbs are very small so don't overlook them when potting on in successive years.
A mixture of 40% potting compost, 50% horticultural grit and 10% coarse sand works well. This may seem overly gritty but the bulb needs good drainage and may rot in a richer mix. Water sparingly when the shoots appear. After flowering allow the foliage die down then keep the pot warm and dry. Don't water it again until the following year.
On very light sandy soil Ixia may be grown outside without too much trouble but as a half-hardy bulb most British gardeners will get better results using containers which can be moved inside over the winter.
Item Code: 1741E
Variety: Viridiflora Jade Green
Type: Hardy Perennial
Packet Contains: 15 Seeds
Sow: January - April, August - November
Germination: Up to 30 days
Harvest: April - June
In stock? Yes