Angelica Archangelica
Angelica archangelicaLatin name
Archangel, Holy GhostCommon name
Architectural, ornamental, edible... what more could you ask? Angelica is principally used for bold decorations, as seen at Chelsea for instance, but also well-known as a decoration for cakes and puddings, this tall, aromatic herb that has been cultivated since ancient times. Pretty, deeply cut leaves are crowned in summer by domes of tiny, luminous green flowerheads. Angelica Archangel is biennial and dies back after flowering, but will self-seed freely in the right location. It performs best in moist shade. A stunning, architectural plant that adds height and drama to a border or cut flower display. The stunning green umbels can be used singly or as a stem and people will not recognize this underrated but useful herb.
How to Grow Angelica from Seed
Angelica is a majestic plant deserving of a prominent position at the back of an informal border or in a wild part of the garden. It thrives in woodland conditions, with plenty of moist shade, ideally near water. All parts of this aromatic plant have culinary or medicinal uses, but it is best known for its candied stems, used as a cake decoration.
Although mostly thought of as biennial Angelica often doesn't bloom until the third summer. After blooming and seeding, it dies away.
Angelica seeds have a low germination rate and the seed is relatively short lived, so seed should be sown as soon as possible. Keep unsown seeds sealed in their packet and stored in the fridge until late summer. Angelica seeds need a cold spell to break dormancy. Seeds sown directly where the plants are to grow in the Autumn will naturally be exposed to this over winter.
Indoor sown Angelica seeds should be planted into moist compost and stored in a fridge at 4°C or 39°F for 30 days, then moved to the warmth of around 18°C or 65°F to germinate.
Sow the seed in growing cells, trays or pots containing a good quality seed compost with a very light covering of vermiculite as the seeds need light to germinate. The seedlings should be transplanted when they have their first set of true leaves.
Older plants are less amenable to root disturbance and transplantation than young seedlings so plant into their final positions at a distance of about 1m (3ft) apart.
Angelica deters hoverflies and is a good companion plant for members of the cabbage family. It should not be planted close to Dill or Fennel to avoid cross pollination.
Item Code: 1076B
Variety: Archangelica
Type: Hardy Perennial
Packet Contains: 100 Seeds
Sow: February, March, May
Germination: Up to 60 days
Harvest: June, July
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