Parsley Hamburg
This is Parsley grown for its root. Tastes of Parsley but can be roasted like Parsnip or better still grated onto salads. Winter hardy so can be lifted well into the winter. Sow March/May.
How to Grow Root Parsley from Seed
Hamburg Root Parsley is deliciously sweet and tender without the earthiness of parsnip. Very easy to grow, both the leaves and root are edible. The root can be left in the ground all winter, to be dug up as and when a Sunday roast requires, and there is the added benefit leaf parsley available to snip from the garden even in December or January.
Parsley Root Hamburg has edible large flat, parsley-like leaves but should not be confused with common curly parsley or Italian flat leaf parsley, as neither produce edible roots.
The seeds can be sown directly where they are to grow from March though to May and wll mature by late summer. Like parsnip the roots require a long growing season to fully form. Germination is slow. Once the seedlings have developed, thin to about 20cm (8in) apart.
Water well until plants are established, roots will fork if conditions become too dry or where the ground is stony.

Item Code: 0202A
Variety: Parsley
Type: Vegetable
Packet Contains: 300 Seeds
Sow: March, April, August
Germination: Up to 30 days
Harvest: January - April, August - December
In stock? Yes