Parsnip Pearl

With uniform slender roots and a smooth white skin, this new high quality Parsnip has a delicious flavour when roasted and is a main crop to late season variety with good canker resistance.

How to Grow Parsnip from Seed

Parsnips are slow growing, low-maintenance root vegetables. The roots are ready to lift once the leaves start to die down in autumn but they can be left in the ground until you are ready to use them. Their flavour is sweetened and intensified by cold weather so are often better harvested after the first frosts.

Always use fresh Parsnip seed, it does not retain its germination level for long and old seed often fails. Sow Parsnip seeds from March to mid May directly into shallow drills.

Thin the emerging seedlings to 2 inches apart initially and then once the roots begin to mature, thin again to 4 inches making use of the mini roots.

Growing in stony or recently manured soil will result in misshapen roots. A rich soil, slightly on the heavy side, will produce strong, well-shaped parsnips.


Item Code: 0229K

Variety: PEARL

Type: Vegetable

Packet Contains: 200 Seeds

Sow: February - May

Germination: Up to 45 days

Harvest: January, February, September - December

In stock? Yes

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Cat no: 0230

200 Seeds in packet

Availability: In stock