Flower Seeds to Sow in August
Vegetable Seeds to Sow in August

Cat no: 0216G
25 Multi-seed Pellets in packet
Availability: In stock
Planting to do
Vegetables and Fruit
Re-sow Dwarf French Bean Speedy and give them plenty of water and keep the weeds down between the rows.
Other jobs
Vegetables and Fruit
Pick Tomatoes and Cucumbers frequently and pinch out the growing point if you have not done so already. The unique Cucumber variety Iznik is still growing happily in a 10 inch pot so give it another feed to encourage more fruit.
Sweet Corn will soon be ready to pick. Do not allow it to become too chewy. Put your thumb into one kernel and if it firmly pops the corn is ready.
Stop the Runner Beans from going any higher up the supports.
There will still be a few Courgettes to pick and the summer Kale should be providing a meal or two.
Cut any everlasting flowers before they are fully open for winter drying.