Saponaria Pink Beauty
Saponaria vaccariaLatin name
A very attractive and showy annual with many graceful sprays of deep pink flowers produced in profusion. Very easy to grow and an excellent cut flower. 2'.
How to grow Saponaria from seed
Sow outdoors into a cold frame in the autumn or sow indoors at any time. In a cold frame, sow onto moist, well-drained seed compost just covering the seed with a sprinkling of soil. Allow natural winter cold to offer ideal conditions for germination to occur in spring as the weather warms.
If sowing indoors, surface sow and place in a propagator or somewhere warm at an ideal temperature of 60-64F (16-18°C). for 2-4 weeks then cold stratify. Move to 24-39F (-4-+4°C) for 4-6 weeks, a fridge is ideal. Remove to warmth, 41-53 (5-12°C) for germination. Acclimatise and plant out after all danger of frost has passed. Prefers a moist but well-drained soil in full sun.
Do not plant near ponds or rivers as the plant contains saponins which can be toxic to amphibians or fish.
Item Code: 2189
Packet Contains: 100 Seeds
Sow: February - May, September, October
Germination: Up to 45 days
Harvest: July - October
In stock? Yes