Gaura Emmeline Pink Bouquet
Gaura lindheimeriLatin name
A lovely sparkling combination of bright pink, blush and appleblossom shades and more compact than regular Gaura. They are not only great for cutting but particularly good for pots or the front of the border. This first year flowering perennial, produces robust plants which survive hot temperatures and are very drought resistant. 2’. HP.
How to Grow Gaura from Seed
Surface sow indoors onto moist well drained compost at a temperature of 60-77F (20-25C). This seed is naturally lower in germination and so worth bearing in mind that not all seeds will germinate. It should take around 1-2 months for germination, so patience is required. Transplant the seedlings when large enough to handle into 8cm pots and harden off, planting out after all danger of frost has passed. Gaura prefer a well drained soil with plenty of sun in a sheltered position. Before planting, soak the root ball and water well until established after which, very little water is required. After flowering, the plants displays some beautiful autumn colours. The plant should be cut back to ground level in Feb and by April, new growth should start to appear. Mature plants can be lifted and divided after 2-3 years.
Item Code: 1567A
Variety: Emmeline Pink Bouquet
Type: Hardy Perennial
Packet Contains: 15 Seeds
Sow: January - May
In stock? Yes